The Return of the Tea (Soft Reopen)

I have a plan.

The plan is that I will reopen the shop with a limited tea selection on May 6th

There are a lot of pieces that need to fall into place to make this happen, but I have made a good start and I have a lot of motivation to pull everything together in time.1

To begin, I’ve restocked my shipping and packaging supplies from EcoEnclose and Elevate. I highly recommend these two companies for reasons of both sheer quality and customer service. I will be putting in orders for tea and other happy-making plant matter as soon as I have a more specific idea of what teas will be involved in the reopening.

On social media I’ve been calling it a “soft” reopen, as I am not planning on an initial re-release of more than maybe a tenth of the list of teas that I’ve created over the years. (My loose goal is 30-40.)

I am open to requests and suggestions as far as which teas2  should be included in that number. Unfortunately, unless specifically requested (and even then it will take some hard thought) I will not be including any of the coffees or cocoas at this time. They will be back eventually, but there are some extra considerations space-wise, as well as the fact that I am weighing shifting our blending coffees to the spectacular work of a local roaster. Similarly, most of the teas that involve fruit3 will also be on the backburner for now.

Step by step, tea by tea, the rebuilding will happen.

One of my newest teas, this is SereniTea: Orange Mute.
  1. The date choice has a tale behind it, but per my new protocols, it is one of those “opt-in” posts due to the discussion of trauma. Passwords can be found on my Patreon and via the newsletter created for that purpose.
  2. Baker Street Blend, Bonnie’s Blessing, Coyote’s Caravan, Eureka: Smoky Monkey, Even Dreams Must Sleep, Gift of the Gloaming, Green Standard, Gysahl Green, Hello Sweetie (Caffeinated and Decaffeinated), Hershel’s Gift, The Inspector’s Frost, Into the Dark Woods, Lovely Day, Meditation Mint (Caffeinated and Decaffeinated), Miracle Max’s Chocolate Elixir, Old Eighties’ Queer, Requiem for a Redshirt, SHIELD, Sanctuary, SereniTea: Mellow Rose, SereniTea: River to Book, Smoking Gun, Solace, Spindle’s Bite (Caffeinated and Decaffeinated), Splinter’s Brew, St. John’s Verity, Steve’s Three Alarm Zen (Caffeinated and Decaffeinated), Take a Breath, Taste of the Summerlands, Traveller’s Porridge, Triforce Tea, Tummy Tea, and Watson’s Wit are definitely on the list. I will probably end up tracking the definites somewhere they can be seen, just not sure where will be best to do so as yet.
  3. I should specify – freeze-dried fruit and the fruits that were previously dried in house. Teas with hawthorn berries, elderberries, lemon peel, and orange peel are all still accessible.

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9 Replies to “The Return of the Tea (Soft Reopen)”

  1. Do you have any teas that are green tea with lemongrass? I’ve been looking everywhere.

    Please also put me down for anything that is anti-inflammatory.

    • I do have one tea, at the moment, that combines green tea and lemongrass. It also involves mint. (Meditation Mint.) If that’s not the flavour profile you are looking for, I can easily add something to the “make this” list. I will also make a note regarding anti-inflammatory teas. Thank you very much for the input.

  2. Well, Shep just referred to you on Twitter, so expect a lot of visits from the Chaos Goblin Army, I guess. The tea he was describing sounded good — Spindle’s Bite. I’d be interested in that, if you chose to offer it.

    • *chuckles* I look forward to both the visits from and potentially blending tea for said Chaos Goblin Army. And thank you for the input. Spindle’s is definitely on the list.

  3. Pingback: The Monthly Brew (March Recap) – Desert Sage Natural

  4. Pingback: May 2023 – Standard Tea of the Month Club Choice – Desert Sage Natural

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