Sorry I Stabbed You… …Again (Organic Earl Grey, Red Rooibos, Lavender, and Hibiscus) (3-150a)

Looking down at a small white bowl full of a blend of black tea, rooibos, lavender, and hibiscus.

The story of Sorry I Stabbed You… …Again is deeply connected to the stories of Sorry I Stabbed You and Rise Up.

In fact, much of its story has already been told as a part of the explanation for Rise Up.

Tea Naming conversations, wherever they end up happening, often go in interesting or tangential directions.

The one that happened around the naming of Sorry I Stabbed You led to a new tea concept.

The sequel.

When someone says that the name of a tea alone would practically give them the motivation to try it but you know that one of the flavours within that tea is anathema to them, you start thinking about creating something.

Well, if you’re like me, you start thinking about creating something.

I considered what I knew of the individual in question’s tastes, and I thought about the foundational teas I already had on deck, whether they be fully released yet or not.

The tea that became Rise Up leapt out at me as the best option.

It fit with the tea human’s tastes, and it also was a combination that I was certain would work well with the other ingredients in Sorry I Stabbed You.

It was a glorious success, for both me and the person it was essentially created for.

A blend of black tea, red rooibos tea, hibiscus, and lavender - pulled in close enough to show the detail on the flowers and leaves.

Organic Ingredients (Caffeinated): Earl Grey Tea, Red Rooibos, Lavender, Hibiscus

Organic Ingredients (Decaffeinated): Decaffeinated Earl Grey Tea, Red Rooibos, Lavender, Hibiscus

Batch Size: 4.5 ounces, approximately 127g, 45+ servings

Options: Loose Tea (5 serving sample (Bag or Tin), Full Batch (Bag), LatchTin), Teabags (Single Teabag, 5 serving sample (Bag or Tin), Full Batch (Bag), LatchTin)

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