Monster Slayer: DMG (Guarana, Eleuthro, Alfalfa)

A small white bowl full of a blend of guarana, eleuthro, and alfalfa.

The Monster Slayer line was born out of the mergence of a handful of things.

The first was my tendency to respond to a certain subset of thoughts and needs and problems with “I could make a tea for that.”

The second was that a friend had a caffeine problem.

The third was that this caffeine problem involved the kind of consumption of Monster energy drinks that would have led some of the people I’ve known to joke about “Why don’t you just take out stock in the company.”

The fourth was that I’ve been meaning to add guarana to the tea toolbox for quite some time.

And the fifth, and last, was being led (in a positive sense) to the realization that energy drinks have a lot of “extras” in them, and that there might be a certain amount of health utility for many more people beyond my friend and housemate to be able to get the most useful aspects of them separate from all those extras.

From the moment the name “Monster Slayer” was coined and I became aware of the staggering number of flavours that are out there, I knew there was no way this would end up being a one-off – a single flavour of tea.

In fact, we were discussing the variations that could happen practically from the inception of the idea.

Monster Slayer: DMG1 is the variant that will be the foundation for all the rest. It was not the first created, nor the first named, but I seized up on releasing any of the others until this one was done.

The process of the Monster Slayers is complicated by the fact that apparently guarana and I do not get along all that well, so I cannot taste test a full cup. Bit of a shoutout here to the humans of the Tea of the Month Club and the Discord server for being willing to help me test them.

A silver tea tin with the Desert Sage Natural logo and labeling, indicating the tea inside is called "Monster Slayer: DMG" and that the ingredients are: Guarana, Eleuthro, and Alfalfa" In front on the tin is a small white bowl full of the tea.

Organic Ingredients: Guarana, Eleuthro, Alfalfa

Batch Size: 4 ounces, approximately 113 grams, 30+ servings of tea

Options: Loose Tea (5 serving sample (Bag or Tin), Full Batch (Bag or Tin), LatchTin), Teabags (Single Teabag, 5 serving sample (Bag or Tin), Full Batch (Bag), LatchTin)

  1. The acronym is intended to be both the shorthand for damage and for Dungeon Master’s Guide, depending on which is more brain-comfy on a given day.

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2 Replies to “Monster Slayer: DMG (Guarana, Eleuthro, Alfalfa)”

  1. Pingback: The Only Way to be Sure (Organic Roasted Mate and Guarana) – Desert Sage Natural

  2. Pingback: Monster Slayer: Purple Worm (Guarana, Alfalfa, Elderberry, Eleuthro) – Desert Sage Natural

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