Only the Anacrusis (10-487) (2nd Flush Darjeeling and Earl Grey)

A small white bowl full of a blend of black teas, set on a white countertop with grey flecking.

This tea’s story starts, as so many do, with a tea preferences survey.

That single survey spawned many tea ideas, quite a few of them foundational blends.

The timing was perfect, as the survey appeared shortly before I started work on figuring out what the tea for July 2023’s Tea of the Month should be.

That selection process ended up turning into a tea project.

I set a handful of strictures for the project, and one of them turned out to be harder than expected, given the number of subscribers and the specificity of some of their taste preferences.

That first and hardest thing was that I wanted it to encompass the shared tastes of all of the subscribers I had at the time. I also wanted it to be tasty both hot and iced, as that summer had been particularly hot and terrible already.

I started with the foundation.

Amusingly enough, the shared taste profile led me to think of this tea, which, at the time, was still nothing more than a line or two of scribbling in Tea Journal 10.

I worked it up enough for it to become the foundation for ‘Jam Session,’ the tea blended for that July, which meant that this tea would be well suited by a name taken from the musical realm.

A friend and tea human in my Discord server suggested the name, which came along with the gift of a song I had not previously heard. The name stuck, the song was both appreciated and fit smoothly into a playlist I was building at the time, and the tea itself has become one of my regular standards.

Tea, just tea, covering the spectrum of expected colours for black tea.

Now for the basics:

Organic Ingredients: 2nd flush Darjeeling, Earl Grey

Batch Size: 3.6 ounces, approximately 102 grams, 40+ servings of tea

LatchTin Batch Size: 7.2 ounces, approximately 204 grams, 80+ servings of tea

Containment: Loose Tea (5 serving sample (Bag or Tin), Full Batch (Bag), LatchTin), Teabags (Single Teabag, 5 serving sample (Bag), Full Batch (Bag), LatchTin)

For the moment, this tea can only be found in the store on this website.

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