Monster Slayer: Purple Worm (Guarana, Alfalfa, Elderberry, Eleuthro)

A small white bowl full of a blend of bits of guarana seeds, alfalfa, elderberries, and eleuthro.

Some tea series have specific (and often long) stories for each of the teas made with the initial foundational blend.

So far, the Monster Slayer series does not function like that.

The primary reason for this is that so many flavour options spun out of the initial conversations that they have all been part of that same beginning story.

This works well, given that the naming convention chosen for the series was iconic (and vibrantly coloured) D&D monsters.

An elderberry version was a given, as I will put elderberry in just about anything, with very little external motivation or excuse, as it combines health benefits with a lovely flavour.

The name came down to a choice between the Purple Worm and the Displacer Beast – and it felt like a tea for the Displacer Beast would need to bite back some, on one level or other, so Purple Worm won out.

You can find the intro story to the Monster Slayers here.

Now for the basics:

Organic Ingredients: Guarana, Elderries, Eleuthro, Alfalfa

Batch Size: 5.6 oz, approximately 158g, 35+ servings of tea

Options: Loose Tea (5 serving sample (Bag or Tin), Full Batch (Bag)), Teabags (Single Teabag, 5 Teabag Sample (Bag), Full Batch of teabags (Bag)

For the moment, this tea can only be found in the store on this website.


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