Only the Anacrusis (10-487) (2nd Flush Darjeeling and Earl Grey)

This tea’s story starts, as so many do, with a tea preferences survey. That single survey spawned many tea ideas, quite a few of them foundational blends. The timing was perfect, as the survey appeared shortly before I started work on figuring out what the tea for July 2023’s Tea Continue Reading →

Baker Street Blend (Organic Black Tea Blend)

Baker Street was the first tea that I blended because I needed it to blend another tea. A friend and tea human sent me a sample of a tea that she wanted to see if I could create a “my way” version of. The theory being that if the original Continue Reading →

Rise Up (Organic Earl Grey and Rooibos) (7-372)

Tea brings me joy in many ways. People interacting with or thinking about tea often brings the same. This particular tea was born out of the combination of two of the ways that frequently spark or inspire new teas. The first was a pair of tea surveys attached to one Continue Reading →

Take a Breath (Organic Black Tea Blend)

One of the things that happened early on in the journey of Desert Sage Natural was the realization that the teas I create are far tastier than anything that I could find on a grocery store shelf. However, some of the teas that had been standards had general taste ranges Continue Reading →

(Named) Journal 7, Page 335, Teas in Progress

This entry is part 4 of 9 in the series Tea Naming

7-335 was created because there was an individual who stated that he wanted to drink more Desert Sage Natural tea. One of the things he pointed out was the relative dearth of strict black tea blends that didn’t involve smoke. To my chagrin, I realized that he was not wrong, Continue Reading →

Eureka: Smoky Monkey (Organic blend of Lapsang Souchong and Golden Monkey)

This entry is part 13 of 1 in the series ChariTeas

The story of Eureka: Smoky Monkey began more years ago than I want to think about right now. It started, as many of my teas do, with a tea survey. In this particular case the list of favourite teas quite frankly terrified me. Silver Needle. Golden Monkey. Things I had Continue Reading →