Baker Street Blend (Organic Black Tea Blend)

Baker Street was the first tea that I blended because I needed it to blend another tea. A friend and tea human sent me a sample of a tea that she wanted to see if I could create a “my way” version of. The theory being that if the original Continue Reading →

Lost in the Mists (Chocolate Lavender Earl Grey)

  May was a hectic month. The first week of it was the last one leading up to the soft reopen, and I realized, as I was coming down to the wire, that I had greatly underestimated how long it would take to get that first short list of teas Continue Reading →

Shipping, Packaging, Suggestions, and Angst

  I’ve been trying to approach this post since I re-revamped the Tea of the Month Club. It was sparked, in part, by the things I discovered about domestic shipping costs and weight sets – a term I am coining because I am not sure what else to call it. Continue Reading →

Missing Piece (7-310) (Organic Decaffeinated Genmaicha)

The tale of the tea known as Missing Piece is almost too short to tell. However, I have made a habit of these tea introduction posts, and it would feel wrong to leave one out. The need for Missing Piece was an outgrowth of my desire to make a decaffeinated Continue Reading →

Rise Up (Organic Earl Grey and Rooibos) (7-372)

Tea brings me joy in many ways. People interacting with or thinking about tea often brings the same. This particular tea was born out of the combination of two of the ways that frequently spark or inspire new teas. The first was a pair of tea surveys attached to one Continue Reading →

June and July 2023 – Standard Tea of the Month Club Choice

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series TotMC (Standard) Chosen Teas

  June and July sort of merged together around the edges in my mind, as far as theme. June was heavy because it was the last month to try to finish detangling my life from that of the human I had been in a long-term relationship with. For a long Continue Reading →