Gift of the Gloaming (Organic Roasted Kukicha, Lapasang Souchong, Lavender)

Gift of the Gloaming’s story began, as many of the tales of my teas do, with a combination of desire and need. I wanted a comforting tea taste, in this case one specifically involving smoke – but I also very desperately needed to relax. As Into the Dark Woods combined Continue Reading →

May 2023 – Standard Tea of the Month Club Choice

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series TotMC (Standard) Chosen Teas

  May’s theme was chosen the moment I decided the Soft Reopen was going to happen on the 6th. May was about reclamation. May was about rediscovery. May was also about being completely overwhelmed by some of my more ambitious choices and high expectations for myself. These things combined, even Continue Reading →

Eureka: Smoky Monkey (Organic blend of Lapsang Souchong and Golden Monkey)

This entry is part 13 of 1 in the series ChariTeas

The story of Eureka: Smoky Monkey began more years ago than I want to think about right now. It started, as many of my teas do, with a tea survey. In this particular case the list of favourite teas quite frankly terrified me. Silver Needle. Golden Monkey. Things I had Continue Reading →

(Named) Journal 8, Page 429, Teas in Progress

Sometimes when I get to the bottom of a tin of something there isn’t enough left to make a proper cup. However, I hate wasting tea. Depending on what was in a tin, I will drop it in on top of one of my foundational teas. In the case of Continue Reading →

The Monthly Brew (March Recap)

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series The Monthly Brew

March was a somewhat madcap month for me. I’m starting to worry that the date I set for the Soft Reopen may have been a touch ambitious, but not enough so that I’m changing the goal as yet. The short summation for the month is: I put a ton more Continue Reading →